Earthworms, etc | Beyond Suburbia | Making Sustainable Real!

Turning Trash into Gold!

By Brian Skeele, on March 19th, 2011

Red Wigglers Rock!  

They thrive in rotting vegetation, compost, and manure; They are rarely found in soil, preferring conditions where others cannot survive. I am, of course, referring to the earthworm also called manure worms, or as their friends call em Eisenia foetida.  But whatever you call em, Red Wigglers rock!

redwigglers-1435578Over the years I’ve had several “defining moments” with earthworms.  Early on, I found I wasn’t that enthusiastic about growing food, but I loved building compost piles. Maybe it was all the effort that double digging required, or the book by Ruth Stout about just building a compost pile on the driveway and things will grow. Somehow I got the message earthworms and compost piles are where it’s at…. READ MORE >>