By Brian Skeele, on April 11th, 2011
As we face higher gasoline prices again, we’re getting more practice in the emerging, post peak oil economy. Our ingenuity will kick in, our lifestyle will transform, all “good for people, the planet, and the polar bears”. With this global warming dealie, time is of the essence; we can evolve faster, learn from our mistakes, share good ideas, and have fun! Share your ideas, dreams and ingenuity! We can make sustainable real!
I’ve started a list of good ideas that come about if we rethink the functions and interplay of our home and its neighborhood. So far I’ve got 29 killer (If I do say so myself) ideas. The first 7 are home oriented, the last 22 are more neighborhood oriented. Add to the list via the comment area!
Home Design
#1. Rent Out a Room
Maybe one of your family boomerangs, and ends up back home. Maybe you just got sick and tired of trying to do it all yourself. Maybe you’re ready to change careers, go back to school, retire, or get divorced. Our suburban, rugged individual, nuclear family lifestyle isn’t set up to be as supportive as it can be. Just the opposite, sprawl and isolation throw up barriers. So take a sledge hammer to it! Tear out a wall, add a door! make it a private entrance. Make life easier on yourself….
Design tips.
Design in private entrances, choosing bedroom locations away from each other.
Design two master suite homes with transition rooms between private and shared spaces.
Sub meter so everyone pays his or her share. Does that long shower your son takes drive you crazy? Have him pay for it!
Potential income; $300-$600? per month plus % of utilities!
Challenges and New Skills
With sharing your home, good chance conflicts and irritations will come up. Share what has worked for you. Maybe it’s a new communication skill, maybe it’s a structual solution, like adding another bathroom. Share it!
Post your Challenge. Kind of like Ask Ann Landers meets This Old House….and the collective wisdom answers!
Change can be scary. How do we work with our fears? We’re all in this together, Let’s make sustainable real!
Image courtesy of Warrenrentals