By Brian Skeele, on April 7th, 2011
How do I feel about the A-F grading of New Mexico Schools? Well, thank you for asking!
The challenges of our times are so extraordinary, they call for a different approach to life. Working collaboratively on real world problems, creating living sustainability, with a community wide range of stakeholders is the school of our times.
Schools as Centers of Community Sustainability
What if each school and its surrounding neighborhoods set the intention of having the school become the center of the community? The school would then work with the surrounding neighbors in redeveloping into a socially, economically, and ecologically sustainable community!
The grading, A-F, would be a indicator of how the school/neighborhood was doing in terms of sustainability;…
- How much has the carbon footprint been reduced,
- how much mixed use, mixed income residential and commercial is created
- how many people walk to work
- how many students ride their bikes to school
- how much renewable energy, recycled water, and food is produced locally
- how alive and safe are the streets with neighbors out and about on foot
- how much are costs reduced by sharing facilities and amenities
- how much natural habitat and nature trails wind thru the neighborhood….etc, etc.
The school district administration, as I see it, will become a supportive resource for innovation; hosting meetings, bringing in facilitators, and searching for best practices at the planning teams’ requests.
All of these redevelopment challenges become relevant, hands-on curriculum for our classrooms. Children would realize their contribution is important, that they are essential innovation partners, helping create their futures resilient and sustainable.
New Mexico’s Governor, Susana Martinez, has chosen Hanna Skandera to be the Secretary of the Public Education Department. One of Skandera’s recommendations , grading schools A-F, has been signed into law by the Governor.
How do you like my twist on the criteria for the A-F grading system of New Mexico Schools??
I love the idea of bringing kids into the greatest challenge mankind has ever faced. There are so many parts to be invented, everyone’s contribution is essential to making sustainable real!!!