Sustainable Urban Village is an odd phrase.
Sustainable Urban Village is a mash up of opposites. “Village” is pastoral, dreamy, idealistic, old fashioned, small and intimate. “Urban” conjures up pretty much the opposite-gritty, concrete and asphalt, contemporary, hip, huge and cold. Add “sustainable” to the mix, and it becomes ….an odd phrase. Where would one find […]
What Does ViDA Do?
Village Development of America LLC (ViDA!) is a for-profit development company that facilitates the establishment of sustainable and empowering mixed-used, mixed-income neighborhoods, so that we can all live in vibrant, alive communities, and prosper.
First our design team listens for the collective wisdom of your group, gathering a whole vision based in the […]
Imagine a Vibrantly Alive Neighborhood
with an empowering, more sustainable lifestyle, where you and your neighbors thrive. Learning is lifelong and readily accessible, and you can mentor each other to acquire empowering skills that enable you to transform your lifestyle and the planet. You feel deep satisfaction from contributing to “The Solution” – of doing your […]