By Brian Skeele, on June 17th, 2015
5 Planets! How are we, the US of A, going to be a serious leader if our lifestyle requires 5 planets of resources??
How are we going to look our grandchildren in the eye and say with pride “All this is yours!”??
The good news is we are innovative. So, my fellow Americans, let’s roll up our sleeves and seize the opportunity. What else are we gonna do?!
Join us on Tuesday nights, and help design and build the 21st Century sustainable! MeetUp Design Lab for Sustainable Neighborhoods
More good news! Ya ready? Mixed-use, mixed-income sustainable neighborhood infill developments of 2 or so acres, located in rural, urban, or suburban settings, meet the challenge to deliver sustainable lifestyles that are good for people and our planet!
Here is a drawing of one possibility that is efficient, affordable, and creates a beautiful oasis.
With approx. 40 residential units of varying sizes on the upper floor, and mixed-use commercial and shared common facilities on the ground floor, we just need 80 or so people who want to move in. Want to have your business here?
Come to the next Designing Sustainable Neighborhoods Workshop
Go to Meet Up Santa Fe and RSVP! and check the box letting us know you’ll be attending. Together, we can make Sustainable Neighborhoods real!
Don’t live in Santa Fe, but want one in your community??!! Let me know!