By Brian Skeele, on June 1st, 2011
Imagine. An elementary school and the surrounding neighborhoods joining together to become a sustainable community with the school at its heart -Part 6
Locally Created Services and Products – the Sustainable Economy Emerges
As homes and business were renovated into multiple-storied, zero emission buildings, more space was created for residences, services and commercial usages. A network of used clothing stores trades across town with other recycle stores. The clothing fashion center teaches sewing and clothing design and runs a brisk business featuring student consignments.
Bicycle sales and repair, a computer lab, a graphics design shop and café, a library and bookstore, a woodshop/metal shop and an eBay store have all opened with help from the Business Incubator Loan Fund. Entrepreneurs of all ages are encouraged with micro-loans, business skills training programs and affordable facilities, to create products and services that evolve into locally created jobs.
Mentors and apprentices share their love for teaching and learning. With the abundance of affordable housing, young adults can stay in their community and the long traditions of Santa Fe’s cultures are sustained….
Video documentary labs and a soundstage have created a facility that beams the learning experiences of the entire community to the rest of the world. There is a large demand for information on how to live sustainably, and the elementary school and it’s surrounding community have led the way.
What we’ve learned is that an amazing abundance, a wealth beyond money, is available to all when a community works together to create a sustainable lifestyle where lifelong learning becomes a way of life, and life becomes the curriculum. The results?
A lifestyle that’s good for people, good for the planet and good for the polar bears!
Part 1 Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6