The beauty of free speech! I get these emails that blow my mind. So hate-filled. Outright fabrications and half truths taken out of context. I go to and find out the truth. Today’s was about Islam considering everyone infidels, titled “What’s an Infidel?” I included it at the end of this blog….
As you can see from snopes, , whoever created this email twisted the truth to use it to show why we should feel totally threatened by Islam…. What is the value in this??? What good comes from using hate filled fabrications and passing them off as truths??? Maybe they own an armament company and want to sell tanks!!??
Maybe people who forward these emails find the world threatening. I too find the world threatening. In my world view, the evil doer is our lifestyle; the car dependant, over consumptive, polluting the air, water and soils, destroying the balance ecologically, based on an economy that often uses externalities as a way to “offshore” responsibilities, side effects, and collateral damage all in the name of progress and economic development.
We Americans makeup 4% of the world’s population and “consume” 25% of the earth’s resources. So “we Americans” are not the problem; We’re only doing 1/4 of the “consumption”. Much of the world’s population aspire to the Western lifestyle. When I say “Houston we have a problem.”, I am saying there is no longer a we vs them. It is us.
The piece of this world view, as I understand it, that pisses me off the most, is the idea of “them”; We are the good guys and they are the bad guys.
It reminds me of two kids arguing about who’s eating more than their share of the popcorn, while the theater is burning.
(what the heck, let me give the fear mongering a shot!)
Send this letter to your network. You will have good luck!
Otherwise, all manners of catastrophe will rain down!…
Increasingly severe Hurricanes and Tornados will rip you apart.
Catastrophic flooding and permanent droughts will blight around the planet.
Massive chemical poisoning will invade your soil, your rivers and oceans.
Your crops will be genetically modified and overuse of pesticides will produce pesticide-resistant superweeds that are uncontrollable.
Endocrine interrupters in your food supplies will turn your people of child bearing age infertile. Your female children will start menstruating at 9 years old, or younger.
Your oceans levels will rise, and cause massive migrations.
Over use of pharmaceuticals and anti biotics will create super bacteria and viruses that will turn your antibiotics impotent, ravaging inpatients in your hospitals.
The people upwind of you will show great arrogance in the face of nature’s power, and cause radiation to spew upon your head, waters and fields.
And this is just before breakfast!!
In the afternoon, bee populations, weakened by pollution, stress, and a diet of corn syrup, will have massive die offs, and the human race will disappear in three years, as the food supplies disappear.
The extra carbon in your atmosphere will cause carbonic acid to form in the oceans, the coral will die off, and the food chains in the oceans will be massively interrupted.
Your coal fired power plants will spew mercury over the lands and waters, contaminating your fish. Mother’s milk will become unsafe to feed to their babies.
You will over consume the planet’s fossil fuels, the price of gasoline will soar higher and higher, and you will be spending more and more for gasoline and everything else that is made from plastics or transported. You will be spending $8 a gallon to fill your car within 5 years.
As the price of gasoline rises, massive amounts of Americans who currently are commuting long distances to work, will be forced into car pooling then lose their homes as they aren’t able to afford the commute. Home values will continue to drop, as more and more homes go into foreclosure. By 2025, the market will be oversupplied by 20 million suburban homes.
Trillions of dollars of commercial real estate will go under, as suburban residents leave their sprawl communities and shopping malls behind.
The snowpacks will decrease world wide and massive droughts will become more regular in occurrence. Future wars will be fought over water.
Search snopes and see if these are for real or baldfaced lies and fabrications!! All these are scenarios appearing on our horizons…I hope they don’t come to pass, but as far as I can tell, if we keep doing what we’re doing, the way we’re doing it, the current best guesses say these are our future.
I’ll grant you that all these catastrophes aren’t going to happen because you didn’t forward the email. What I am saying, to quote Pogo “We’ve met the enemy, and he is us,” all 6 billion. Everything else, IMO, is arguing about popcorn, fabricated as convenient distractions.
We’ve got work to do! Share the popcorn..Let’s make sustainable real!
Image courtesy of oil spill news
Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2011 10:23 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
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