As I’m gathering the images for this post, the kick off of the Map to the Sustainable Gold, the sound track kicks in… I’m hearing the theme to Gilligan’s Island. Please feel free to insert your favorite sea shanty! Hey, how bout “Yellow Submarine!”
Yar Mates!, we be in the hunt for Sustainable Living!
The Map, as best as I can read it, says we’re starting with Stories from a Sustainable Future.
If the stories are compelling enough, and the stories are from people who want to move into a Sustainable Urban Village, all the stakeholders will stay committed and persevere to the end! There’s that’s my theory, anyway.
The treasure needs to really compelling, as all manner of monsters may come roiling out of the depths!
If the landowners, investors, Architects, planners, city policy persons, the secondary mortgage market, etc can see the value, they too will add their creativity to make this SUV real…
These are the ideas that have been swimming around in my head over the last month or two. The map I’m following, as you may be noticing, appears from inside… Sometimes, there are signs from the outside. “Trust Your Universe” is one of those telltale indicators I get when stuff sort of miraculously shows up. Here’s an example..
Over the course of the last three weeks, I kept running into Seth Roffman, long time acquaintance and the editor of the Green Fire Times, the Santa Fe based regional monthly newspaper, all about sustainability. I kept saying to him, “Hey we gotta meet sometime soon, I want to tell you what I’m proposing”.
Over a short meeting in his office, he offered to make Sustainable Urban Villages the theme of an entire issue (40 or 48 pages). I immediately saw the opportunity: we could get the word out across North Central New Mexico… one of those “Yar Mates, there she blows!” moments…
All together now…”We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine…We all live in a yellow…” We continue the quest on making sustainable real….tommorrow!
Image courtesy of Wandafulwonders…